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Informative perimenopause videos

Helpful YouTube video to get you started

I have created other YouTube videos you might find helpful, follow me there to see all the latest ones as they're released.

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  • TikTok

Helpful TikToks to get you started

I have created a lot of TikToks over time on perimenopause, some informative and some humorous. Below are a few that I believe could either help you in understanding where you are or explaining to others what's happening for you. I've also included a little funny one, to potentially help you feel less alone in the crazy journey. To see the rest of my TikToks look me up on the app.

  • YouTube
  • TikTok
What's happening in your body

Understand what's happening to your hormones in your body during this times so you can help yourself (because, spoiler alert, there isn't much help from GPs out there)

SS perimeno explained.PNG
Helping your partner understand perimenopause

Women often feel so alone during this time, no one understands just how hard it is. This is video is specifically for your partner to help them understand what's happening for and in you.

SS peri for your partner.PNG
A little humour to help you feel less alone

Perimenopause hotline was created as an 'art mimics life' skit to identify with the rage a lot of us feel and often express during this time.

SS peri helpline.PNG
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